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Sword and Shield

by Sigrid E. Mortensen

© 2023

I resist the raining blows

That pound me

Pound me

Pound me

Ever harder

Falling relentless on neck and back

Working to forge my metal

Into sword and shield.

I recoil from oven’s glow

Coals angry red

Surging ever hotter to inflame me

Render me malleable to the blacksmith’s hammer

Force me

Force me

Force me

Into tapered edge

And stronger

Heavier mantle.

I refuse to run


Into the throng of battle

To slice my way to the top

Or raise protective armor 

Between perceived attack

And fragile ego.

Twist me


Into blades of a plow

So I can turn hard earth

Soft and yielding.

Let me contribute to the pillowing

Of infant seeds

So they may warm

And swell

And stretch

And thrust forth from the ground

Erupt into nourishment

And the sweet fragrance

Of gentle



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